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Lutz Lemke (born in 1966) is a one-man company offering title design and animation for film and TV, as well as screen design and other graphics work for the film industry. He began working in the field in 1989 and has worked for virtually all major production companies in Germany as well as for quite a few in the rest of Europe and the United States of America. His goal is to offer affordable yet fitting and story supporting title and graphics work for every kind of filmed entertainment. He is also proud of having a network of talented friends when a one-man company simply isn't enough. He is the father of two and lives and works in Munich, Germany.


January 6, 2023

Today finally "Woman Of The Dead" ("Totenfrau") was released on Netflix featuring my title sequence. What's special about this for me, is the fact that I pitched this title concept with nearly finished sequences three times before in the last two years, and they were all declined in the end. I might create a video or a page about the evolution of this idea.

May 14, 2021

This has been a hard year with very little work. Well, you all know the reasons. So, finally, five months into 2021, one of my works is published today. First on Amazon and then later in cinemas. Most other releases with my work have been postponed until ... well, until cinemas open again. But there finally is a spark of hope.

August 20, 2020

BIOHACKERS with Christian Ditter as showrunner and Claussen+Putz Filmprodutkion as prodiction company has finally landed on Netflix. Nearly half a year after working on it I have to say I am very satisfied with the Title Sequence. I am really glad that we all fought to have at least a short one instead of just a title card somewhere, which is assumingly what Netflix promotes, since it is cheaper and their algorithms tell them that everybody is skipping the titles anyway.

July 22, 2020

I'm happy to see there finally is a trailer out (and a release date of August 20) for Netflix' new series BIOHACKERS (Showrunner: Christian Ditter, produced by Claussen+Putz Film). It was supposed to premiere in early April but got cancelled as it was then deemed "too disturbing" for the audience during the beginning pandemic. So we are all now officially used to the plague. You can watch the trailer here (Youtube Link), though my work is not shown in it.

July 1, 2020

I can call myself very lucky because during the Lockdown the amount of work for me hadn't diminished, being in "post" "production" of course means I am usually one of the last persons working on a project and I had enough to complete from before the pandemic. But finally the lockdown has hit me too: there simply is no "post" "production", because there haven't been any productions. I am not whining, I know I am not alone in this, but the next 2 or 3 months will be hard. I have some small projects I am after, but nothing is confirmed yet. Good time to start updating the website...